not child molesters and they have no sympathy for the act of molesting children. Therefore, as a group, we censure child molesting.

This is not denying to them, and to Miss Valentine's other misfits, the right of understanding and therapeutic aid. It is exercising our right to judge any act that involves another individual by the results to the persons involved and not by allegedly similar causes for our own sexual orientation. (It would be interesting to know how Miss V. supports her statement that the percentage of children adversely affected by an attack is small.) According to Sociologist, W. I. Thomas, one of the four basic desires of all humans is to love and be loved. This need cannot be construed as a common bond between homosexuals and child molesters, it is merely an attribute of the species.

It is easy to find examples of all kinds of sexual mores and laws in history or anthropology. We may look to other eras for thoughts on government and civil codes but we would not seriously consider adopting the municipal ordinances of ancient Egypt. Why should we consider their sex laws superior enough to be our goal? We must not retreat but rather go forward to as yet undreamed-of heights.

The body and emotions may know no distinction of age, sex or relationship but man's "new brain" must set up these distinctions for the protection of the majority of society. Child marriages were common, but our culture rejects them because they do not fit into our concept of romantic love and partnership in marriage. Are these concepts distortions or an advance over the old standards of male supremacy and illiterate females?

Mr. L. I. P. of Indianapolis writes: After Bill Lambert's lyric outburst over Michelangelo-a trenchant tribute, richly deserved-I was astounded to see the magazine debased by five and a half pages of moronic twaddle from Cristina of Pasadena. Must we account for this nonsense by going back to the ancient adage that the person who knows the least about a subject is always the first to offer his opinion?

With one opinion of Miss Cristina's we can all agree, that psychology is as yet a very incomplete and imperfect science. Let me remind her that what is incomplete and imperfect is not at all scientific.

Mr. Hemp Lanyard of New Orleans writes: Greetings once again from Old New Orleans! This time I am writing to correct an obvious error in the report of Miss Valentine in her recent article.

I was quoted as saying that I discovered ONE only in June, 1959. That was correct but according to Miss Valentine she submitted a letter in February, 1959, to which she received replies. Too bad I wasn't acquainted with ONE then. I have never tried to set logic aside for any reason, even to reply to a child or a genius. When logic fails, then there is little left.

I am definitely not given to fits of madness, nor illogical, nor unscientific reasoning. Feelings run high in me but I do not use them for an excuse to circumvent factual findings and scientific truths. Then I must ask wisdom in the use of logic.

Miss Valentine states that she has done quite a bit of research in the fields of anthropology and biology. So have I. I failed to come to the same conclusions she reached in that the reason all lower animals copulate, is to procreate. Further, I deny the truth of her statement ending "... unquestioning obedience of the command of Nature to propagate the species."